Potato Muffins



Antes de hornear, calienta el horno a 190 °C (375 °F). Rocía un poco de aceite en aerosol o usa envoltorios de papel en un molde para muffins.

Prepare la mezcla para el puré de papas: en un tazón grande, mezcle el puré de papas, el queso cheddar, el queso parmesano, la crema agria, los huevos, las cebollas verdes o cebollinos, el tocino (si tiene), el ajo en polvo, la cebolla en polvo, la sal y la pimienta. Mezcle hasta que todos los ingredientes estén bien mezclados.

Mezcla la harina y el polvo para hornear con el puré de papas y revuelve hasta que se integren bien. La mezcla debe quedar densa pero fácil de sacar con una cuchara.

Coloque el puré de papas en el molde para muffins, llenando cada uno hasta 3/4 de su capacidad. Use una cuchara para aplanar las superficies.

Hornear: Verter la mantequilla derretida sobre los muffins. Introducir los muffins en el horno precalentado y hornear durante 20-25 minutos hasta que estén dorados por encima y cocidos por dentro.

Deje que los muffins se enfríen un poco en el molde antes de sacarlos. Sirva el plato caliente y añada más cebollas verdes o cebollinos si lo desea.

Cómo prepararse

Creating Mashed Potato Muffins is easy and only needs a few ingredients and little effort. Begin by combining mashed potatoes with cheese, sour cream, eggs, and seasonings to make a tasty mixture. By adding flour and baking powder to the muffin batter, it helps the muffins to rise and keep their form. Once the mixture is prepared, put it into a muffin tray and bake until the top is golden and crispy. These muffins taste great when they are fresh out of the oven and are a wonderful complement to any meal. You can easily personalize them by adding different types of cheese, herbs, or extras like bacon or ham to enhance the taste.

Time to get ready.

Time needed to prepare: 15 minutes

Cooking time: 20 to 25 minutes

Time needed: 35 to 40 minutes


This recipe yields around 12 muffins.

Preguntas frecuentes

Q1: Can I use instant mashed potatoes? Yes, you can use instant mashed potatoes for this recipe. Just follow the instructions on the package before combining them with the rest of the ingredients.

Q2: Can I put these muffins in the freezer? Yes, you can freeze Mashed Potato Muffins. Just wait for them to cool down completely, and then put them in a sealed container in the freezer for up to 3 months. Warm up in the oven or microwave before serving.

Q3: Which other types of cheese can I use? You can use any type of cheese you prefer, like mozzarella, Gruyère, or pepper jack, to create different flavors.

Q4: How much time do these muffins stay fresh? If you keep these muffins in the fridge, they will stay fresh for up to 5 days. Warm them up in the oven or microwave for the best outcome.

Q5: Is it possible to include vegetables in the muffins? Of course! Chopped vegetables such as bell peppers, spinach, or zucchini can be added to the mixture for more nutrients and taste.


Mashed Potato Muffins are a fun and creative way to eat mashed potatoes in a different way. Their crunchy outsides and gooey, cheesy insides are so delicious that both children and adults will love them. This recipe is great for using up leftovers, but it’s also worth making mashed potatoes just to savor these tasty muffins. Whether you have them as a side dish, for breakfast, or as a snack, they are a flexible and delicious option to add to your menu. Give them a try next time you want to add some fun and tasty variety to your usual potato dishes. You won’t be let down!